We encourage you to attend the
26th Annual Latino College Expo & Leadership Summit
Saturday, March 19th, 2016
@ New York University
About the LATINO COLLEGE EXPO (12pm-3pm)
The Latino College Expo (LCE) is your gateway to meeting admissions representatives from over 100 public and private colleges, universities and community based organizations. Founded in 1990, LCE’s mission has been to “elevate the educational aspirations of the Latino community and all youth”. What makes this event so unique and groundbreaking is the focus on building a stronger partnership between a student and his/her parents, guardians and counselors. When those partnerships are strengthened and realized, the daunting process of finding and affording college will be minimized and its outcome will be maximized.
You are also welcome to the Leadership Summit prior to the Expo in order to hear information and engage in discussions on various topics that will help prepare you for the college search process. (See below for more info)
About the YOUTH LEADERSHIP SUMMIT (9am-12pm)
The goal of the Annual Youth Leadership Summit is to encourage all high school students and bring together other organizations, high schools, and community-based organizations to participate in various seminars for college preparation, prior to attending the 26th Annual Latino College Expo.
(Seating is limited and pre-regristration is highly recommended.
Please click here for more information and registration.)